Your certification needs to have your legal name on it. Please enter your legal name that matches your ID and not a perferred name or shortened version.
If you are an AECC student, then please use your AECC email when signing up.
I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Please see our website for our T&Cs and Privacy Policy.
Please ensure that you arrive promtly for your practical session. Late comers may be refused entry to the lesson.
We will expect you to be familar with this online content prior to the lesson and you will be tested on your knowledge and practical skills during the classroom session. You have to pass both the theory and practical elements to pass, including CRP at floor level for a minimum of 2 minutes.
You will need to complete both the online and the practical parts of this course in order to gain the full certificate. Both the online and classroom parts of this course need to be completed within a 3 week period. If you will have trouble doing any of the above, then please contact us ASAP.